WOMESA Kenya Chapter

WOMESA Kenya is the 1st National chapter among 25 Member Sates to be launched and is affiliated to the Association for Women in the Maritime Sector in Eastern & Southern Africa Region (WOMESA).  It was officially launched on the 26th March, 2010 in the port city of Mombasa in line with its Strategic Plan to fulfill the following specific objectives:

  1. To enhance capacity building in order to facilitate realization of the WOMESA vision.
  2. To develop mentorship programs.
  3. To mobilize adequate resources nationally, regionally and internationally to enhance operations of WOMESA.
  4. To establish and nurture smart partnerships with stakeholders
  5. To undertake a rigorous membership recruitment
  6. To undertake research for advancement of women and development of the maritime sector.

WOMESA has been at the forefront in advocating for empowerment of women in the maritime sector through various channels such as lobbying for women to be employed in the industry among others.
